White Peaches on Tuesday are amazing! Last of the Blueberries on Friday!
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Kitchener Pick Up - Tuesday August 19th Items in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf Monday August 18th at 4pm Waterloo Pick Up - Friday, August 22nd - order for 2 weeks! Items in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf Tuesday August 19th at 8pm | | | Tuesday Pickup at Entertaining Elements You have until 4pm on Monday to order Grab Bags from Garden Party (Mixed Vegetables, Juicer Mix, or a Veggie stock kit) in the vegetables section and Niagara Fruit from Romagnoli Farms in the fruit section. Your peach choices in the fruit section for pickup at Entertaining Elements in Kitchener are: - Babygold - These clingstone peaches are sweet and juicy with solid flesh (peel with a knife) that are perfect for canning Check out the video below!
- Redhaven - Medium to large reddish-gold fruit with yellow firm juicy flesh. Semi-clingstone. Excellent for canning and eating fresh.
- White flesh - White flesh clingstone, sweet and juicy. These were amazing last week!
We also have Apricots, Nectarines, Yellow Plums (Shiro and Early Golden). Blue Plums (Valerie) and Strawberries! Happy Eating and preserving! Rachael | | | Friday's Pickup - order for 2 weeks! There won't be a pickup on August 29th, so be sure to order enough for Labour Day weekend and the first week of school! - Blueberries! This is the last week we'll have Pleasant Berry Blueberries.
- We've restocked all the cookies from New Moon Kitchen! They are nut free, dairy free and egg free, but you wouldn't know to taste them! Perfect for lunches!
- What better to go with cookies than milk? Have you tried the Golden Guernsey 2% Milk or 4.8% Cream Top Whole Milk from Eby Manor? It's GMO free and creamy like no other! Read more at rarerepublic.com/features/eby-manors-cream-top-milk-2.html.
- Theresa from Garden Party has lots of new items available! In the pickled section (under pantry), you'll find her Fermented Dills - a bag of 2 large and juicy fermented cucumbers and in the herbs section, under vegetables you'll find her tea bunches! Don't forget the lovely bouquets made of upsprayed flowers (in the plants section, under other).
- Have you heard of the "Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables" popularized by Intermarche in France? Garden Party is offering their own Misfit Vegetable Mix - a mix of at least 5 vegetable 'seconds' - mishapen or slightly damaged. Half the retail price of 'firsts'. Give a home to the misfits!
- Leeks, Eggplant and Bulk Beets from Bowman's Organic Produce
- Pixie Melons from Lester and Irene Brubacher (Cedar Springs)
- Organic Green Peppers from Lena Burkhardt are ready!
- Gladiolus bunches from Lena Horst
- Lemon Grass Leaves (in the herbs section) and saladette tomatoes from Brenda Knechtel
- Winfield Shelled Peas are available again! Get your 10 lb or 1 lb bag! Great for freezing and enjoying all winter!
| | | A note about our fruit from Niagara All our Niagara fruit is Tree Run, which means that the fruit is not sent to the grading station. The fruit is picked riper (and tastier) and avoids wax coatings, fungicidal baths and defuzzing in the case of peaches. You will find smaller and larger fruit together in your box. Enjoy the ripest fruit first and for the rest, spread your peaches out on newspaper on their side or bottom (not stem down) and not touching each other and they'll ripen over the next few days. Keep peaches and apricots out of the fridge until they are ripe as they can get a mealy texture when chilled. | | |
| Stop in to our Tuesday market in downtown Kitchener! Ordering is open Friday to Monday so you can pre-order Bulk Fruit at baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering | | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church- Friday, August 22
- Friday, Sept. 5th
- Friday, Sept. 12th
- Friday, Sept. 19th
- Friday, Sept. 26th
- Friday, October 3rd
- Friday, October 10th
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