Order at www.baileyslocalfoods.ca/ordering
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Waterloo Pick Up - Friday, August 15th Fill your shopping cart by Wednesday August 13th at 8pm | | | Yup! We extended it. Since we did you can get: - Tomatoes - so amazing straight from the field!
- Bulk onions available - so sweet!
- Carrots are back on our order form!
- Theresa from Garden Party has bags of three different heritage garlic varieties available and has just added Tea Bouquets to our offering list (You'll find them under "herbs")
- A customer reminded me how good the Crumbled Feta from Woolwich Dairy is (It's in the 'Goat Cheese' section, and we get it through Hewitt's Dairy).
- Why not get some awesome chocolate from Anna Tolazzi or Ambrosia Pastry Co.
- Check out the 'other' section for great bar soaps, foamers, lip balms, shampoo and bug spray from . Want to see what Kristin's items looks like? Check them out at
http://www.shop.savvygreen.ca/ Friday's peaches come to us from Warner's Farm. They are grown using IPM methods, which means that they are not sprayed unless it is really necessary. They have:- Garnet Beauty Peaches - A medium/large semi-freestone peach with yellow skin and a pink blush. Juicy and great for pies, cobblers and fresh eating.
- Apricots - These are the large ones that are so sweet!
- Plums - We still have yellow plums and shiro plums but new this week are
Vibrant blue plums - A semi-freestone plum with amber coloured flesh and violet-blue skin - Rosehips - Will you make a delicate jelly, dry them for tea?
Some more notes:- New Supplier! 1847 Stone Milling has Whole Wheat Cake and Pastry Flour that they mill using a stone burr flour mill from Austria. They will have other grains soon as the crops are harvested.
- Stock up on a wide selection of stone ground organic flours and grains from Oak Manor in Tavistock this week!
- Red, Yellow and Orange Sweet Peppers from Roseland Produce are now $1 each! WOW!
- Ontario Natural Extra Firm Tofu is available again! We're excited too!
- Zucchini is here! If you don't have any in your garden (or your neighbours garden, we can hook you up with a reasonable amount!
- Tarragon Bliss from Monforte Dairy is back. I think it's my favourite, though I love to keep it in the fridge for a while so the middle gets soft and creamy.
- Brenda Knechtel has added eggplant, garlic braids and tomatoes!
- Irene Brubacher called this morning. She has 5 inch cucumbers for pickling. They are a better deal than the small cukes as they are less work to pick
| | | A note about our fruit from Niagara All our Niagara fruit is Tree Run, which means that the fruit is not sent to the grading station. The fruit is picked riper (and tastier) and avoids fungicidal baths and defuzzing in the case of peaches. You will find smaller and larger fruit together in your box. Enjoy the ripest fruit first! Enjoy the ripest fruit first and for the rest, spread your peaches out at room temperature on newspaper on their side or bottom (not stem down) and not touching each other and they'll ripen over the next few days. Keep peaches and apricots out of the fridge until they are ripe as they can get a mealy texture when chilled. | | |
| Stop in to our mid week market in downtown Kitchener every Tuesday! Ordering is open Friday to Monday so you can pre-order Bulk Fruit at baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering | | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
- Friday, Sept. 5th
- Friday, Sept. 12th
- Friday, Sept. 19th
- Friday, Sept. 26th
- Friday, October 3rd
- Friday, October 10th
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