Click to log-in and order!
KW's year-round online farmers market
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Click to log-in and order.
There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf TUESDAY July 1st at 8pm
for pickup on Friday July 4th at First United Church, Waterloo
***Special BULK Strawberry pickup on Wednesday July 2nd at Entertaining Elements.
Order until noon on Tuesday or until they sell out at!***
Welcome back to weekly ordering!
We're back to weekly Friday pickups and Tuesday order deadlines (yes, we'll be emailing and calling while the fireworks are going off). I hope that you are enjoying this long weekend but take a moment to put your order in before the end of Tuesday!
Edible Flowers and spray free bouquets
They change with the season, but we are lucky to have edible flowers from two of our growers. The flowers from Garden Party and Nith Valley are all safe to eat whether you make them into tea or add them to a salad. The lovely bouquets from Garden Party are not sprayed, so you can enjoy them in your home!
Strawberry sizes
I'm re-posting from previous years as the sizing on berries and cherries is always so confusing.
- A pint is half a quart (12 pints = 6 quarts = 1 flat)
- A dry quart is a bit smaller than a litre (2 pints = 1 quart = 1.1 Litres) according to
- Dry quarts and liquid quarts measure differently
- We've been calling the darker green, more sturdy looking plastic baskets with rounded corners litres, but they are quarts and you are getting 1.1 Litre or product, the paper boxes are pints and there are also smaller paper bakets which are half pints
- Farmers are generous and tend to top up whatever container they are using.
And one other thing - Why isn't there a big discount for buying a flat? Well... it takes a while to fill up one pint and twelve times as long to fill the whole flat (of 12 pints). We let the farmers decide the prices that pay them for the work they do!
Fruit from Niagara: An update from Torrie at Warner's Farm Torrie emailed us to say "I am hoping to start cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, mulberries July 6-8. Apricots about the middle of the month, peaches and plums the end of July." We hope you are as happy as we are to read this!
Bailey's Market Days at Entertaining Elements noon to 6pm
Wednesday July 2 and Tuesdays starting July 8th!
Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church
- Friday, July 4
- Friday, July 11
- Friday, July 18
- Friday, July 25
- Friday, August 8
- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
Supplier Special Order Dates:
Oak Manor organic grains and flours will be available: July 12, August 15 and September 5th
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