KW's year-round online farmers market
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Click baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering to log-in and order.
There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf TUESDAY July 1st at 8pm
for pickup on Friday July 4th at First United Church, Waterloo
***Special BULK Strawberry pickup on Wednesday July 2nd at Entertaining Elements.
Order until noon on Tuesday or until they sell out at baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering!***
Welcome back to weekly ordering!
We're back to weekly Friday pickups and Tuesday order deadlines (yes, we'll be emailing and calling while the fireworks are going off). I hope that you are enjoying this long weekend but take a moment to put your order in before the end of Tuesday!
Edible Flowers and spray free bouquets
They change with the season, but we are lucky to have edible flowers from two of our growers. The flowers from Garden Party and Nith Valley are all safe to eat whether you make them into tea or add them to a salad. The lovely bouquets from Garden Party are not sprayed, so you can enjoy them in your home!
Strawberry sizes
I'm re-posting from previous years as the sizing on berries and cherries is always so confusing.
- A pint is half a quart (12 pints = 6 quarts = 1 flat)
- A dry quart is a bit smaller than a litre (2 pints = 1 quart = 1.1 Litres) according to http://www.metric-conversions.org/volume/us-dry-quarts-to-liters.htm
- Dry quarts and liquid quarts measure differently
- We've been calling the darker green, more sturdy looking plastic baskets with rounded corners litres, but they are quarts and you are getting 1.1 Litre or product, the paper boxes are pints and there are also smaller paper bakets which are half pints
- Farmers are generous and tend to top up whatever container they are using.
And one other thing - Why isn't there a big discount for buying a flat? Well... it takes a while to fill up one pint and twelve times as long to fill the whole flat (of 12 pints). We let the farmers decide the prices that pay them for the work they do!
Fruit from Niagara: An update from Torrie at Warner's Farm Torrie emailed us to say "I am hoping to start cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, mulberries July 6-8. Apricots about the middle of the month, peaches and plums the end of July." We hope you are as happy as we are to read this!
Bailey's Market Days at Entertaining Elements noon to 6pm
Wednesday July 2 and Tuesdays starting July 8th!
Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church
- Friday, July 4
- Friday, July 11
- Friday, July 18
- Friday, July 25
- Friday, August 8
- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
Supplier Special Order Dates:
Oak Manor organic grains and flours will be available: July 12, August 15 and September 5th
Click https://100milesystems.com/baileyslocalfoods.ca/login.php to order
KW's year-round online farmers market
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Click baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering to log-in and order.
There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf TUESDAY June 24th at 8pm
for pickup on THURSDAY June 26th at First United Church, Waterloo
(next order we will go back to Tuesday deadline and Friday pickup)
Ordering extended until Tuesday!
Maryrose called our awesome farmers and suppliers today and they said they could take our orders a little later... so you have until Tuesday night at 8pm to get your order in! Thank you to our farmers and suppliers!
Long Weekend, here we come!
Our pickup this week is Thursday so you can get all your favourite local foods AND head out of twn early on Friday. Don't forget weiners from Stemmlers for your BBQ and marshmallows and chocolate from Ambrosia for gourmet s'mores over the campfire!
Singing Canary Roasted Hemp Seeds (as seen on Dragon's Den)
These Hemp seeds are grown in Manitoba and roasted in Niagara by brothers Jacob and Johanne. They are GMO free, high in fibre, protein and omegas. Eat them on their own srprinkle them on salads, in stir fries and smoothies! Look for them in our pantry section.
Don't forget:
- Strawberries! We have organic strawberries from two of our farmers as well as convnetional strawberries from Floralane available! The season is short, so enjoy them now!
- Vanilla yogurt from Mapleton's Organic Dairy to go with those lovely berries!
- Lettuce including mini romaine and
- Asparagus. The season is about to end. Enjoy it now from Barrie's Asparagus!
- Rhubarb is still available to go in a pie with strawberries!
- Jonas Brubacher and Nith Valley are offering the first of the garlic scapes! These tender shoots are great fried
- We have Collard Greens from Garden Party, Arugula from Bowman's Oragnic Produce and Mild Asian Greens from Nith Valley among all the amazing greens!
- Mushrooms! We have so many varieties avaialable, both organic and conventional
- Prepared food including soups and curries from Green Table Foods and Sauces, pickles and toppings from Taco Farm (don't forget their tortillas and chips!), Empanadas and burritos from Taste and Colour
- The new feature from Soup Surreal is Creamy Broccoli Cheddar.
- Cracked Coconut Butter is in the 'pantry' section
- Seedlings and Plants available too!
Upcoming pickup dates
- **Thursday, June 26(Thursday pickup before the long weekend)
- Friday, July 4
- Friday, July 11
- Friday, July 18
- Friday, July 25
- Friday, August 8
- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
New email program - What do you think?
I hope that you noticed our updated email look. We welcome your feedback and any suggestions on improving your market experience.
Supplier Special Summer Order Dates:
Oak Manor organic grains and flours will be available: July 12, August 15 and September 5th
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KW's year-round online farmers market
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Click baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering to log-in and order. There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf MONDAY June 23rd at 8pm
for pickup on THURSDAY June 26th at First United Church, Waterloo (next order we will go back to Tuesday deadline and Friday pickup)
Lettuce and Strawberries!
We finally have local organic strawberries for you! You can buy them by the pint or by the litre (1 litre = approximately 2 pints) and we have flats of 12 pints or of 6 litres available.
is the best time of year for salad! Lettuce leaves are crisp and won't
be as plentiful in the heat of summer. If you need a salad idea, check
out Jon's recipe on our blog,
We have lots of lettuce including a new type to us called mini romaine.
It will hold up to a nice creamy dressing. Maryrose had it last night
with a home made vinaigrette. Delish!
Look for:
- Asparagus. The season is about to end. Enjoy it now from Barrie's Asparagus!
- Rhubarb is still available to go in a pie with strawberries!
- Jonas Brubacher and Nith Valley are offering the first of the garlic scapes! These tender shoots are great fried
- We have Collard Greens from Garden Party, Arugula from Bowman's Oragnic Produce and Mild Asian Greens from Nith Valley among all the amazing greens!
- Mushrooms! We have so many varieties avaialable, both organic and conventional
- Prepared food including soups and curries from Green Table Foods and Sauces, pickles and toppings from Taco Farm (don't forget their tortillas and chips!), Empanadas and burritos from Taste and Colour
- The new feature from Soup Surreal is Creamy Broccoli Cheddar.
- Cracked Coconut Butter is in the 'pantry' section
- Seedlings and Plants available too!
Upcoming pickup dates
- **Thursday, June 26(Thursday pickup before the long weekend)
- Friday, July 4
- Friday, July 11
- Friday, July 18
- Friday, July 25
- Friday, August 8
- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
Pork sausage from Top Market Meats, Buttercrunch Lettuce from Elvina Bauman, Floralane grape tomatos, garlic chives and creamy dressing (Crema La Vaquita from Local Dairy and Wine Vinegar), Salt and pepper.
New email program - What do you think?
I hope that you noticed our updated email look. We welcome your
feedback and any suggestions on improving your market experience.
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