Please see the end of the email for notes on nuts, the customer survey link, and the link to an article mentioned previously.
Hi Folks,
We're feeling ready for a blizzard over here with enough food to feed us and the neighbours for at least a month. We're rich in food! Our freezer is full, our pantry is full, our fridge is full and we've got about 11 squash sitting around keeping us company. (They remind me of hens but they're quieter and don't lay eggs.) What a blessing to be so well-stocked!
I promised a few of you that I'd email heating instructions for the meat pies and lasagna from Anna at The Nutty Bakers. We've already snarfed our meat pies down. The pastry is lovely! Better than any I've had from the store. The pies are so good they inspire me to make my own roast beef and root vegetables pie! Anna said she's going to also offer the Tortiere in November.
Heating Instructions:
When fresh or thawed - 20 min at 350. Frozen - 40 min at 325 (lower temp so pastry doesn't burn). Thawing first is best.
I also promised a few of you to send you info on Jerusalem Artichokes and how to cook with them. I did not realize that Miriam meant JERUSALEM artichokes when she said she had artichokes for sale. Sorry about that surprise : ) Let's think of it as an opportunity to try something new, shall we? I've added mine to the cabbage borscht simmering on the stove right now. Check out this link for a description of the knobby root and how you can use it anywhere you'd use potatoes or parsnips. We also enjoy it raw - thinly sliced. It has an impressive crunch. od/howtocookvegetables/a/ sunchoketips.htm
I hope you are enjoying cooking with squash and root crops. I am! I made a most delicious butternut squash soup from the Simply in Season cookbook. It is so easy! Just boil squash (unpeeled) and root veggies and then blend with sauteed onions. The celeriac I added to the mix was a nice flavour. The maple syrup is what pushes it over edge delicious. I loved seeing my two year old shovelling it in and asking for "More quash soup, pease." Warms my cook's heart...
Are your apples running low and can't wait until Nov 23 for more? Pete the organic apple farmer says that he can deliver apples to your door if you buy 3 half bushels or more. He'll charge you the same price you get them from Bailey's ($25 for #1 apples). He has Golden Delicious, Spys, Cortland, and Macs available. A few of you could place an order together from him. He asks that you phone him to arrange an order (519-638-9996).
Did you get a copy of our winter schedule? We handed them out on Friday. If you'd like one (they are quite pretty) you can download it from files/Bailey's Winter% 202009-10.pdf or files/Bailey's Winter% 202009-10.jpg or send us an email and we'll mail one to you. It is a handy way to remind yourself when to order and pick up. Now that we are doing Winter pick-up on Mondays, the schedule is new. Thanks to Michelle for your help on creating this!
Thank you for supporting local farmers and local food system change,
Bailey's Local Foods
Is this your first email from us?
You are receiving Nina's messages because you are a member of Bailey's Local Food Buying Club.
If you do not wish to receive Nina's messages in the future, please uncheck the Nina's messages box associated with your email address in Account Settings at
A few more notes:
A few emails ago Nina mentioned the article "Eat this Recession" in Alternatives Journal. If you would like to read it go to
Some more tips:
I roasted the first of my chestnuts this morning. They are sweeter and easier to peel than any I've had before. I tried eating chestnuts raw for the first time too. Wow!
Sweet Chestnuts
How to prepare and eat them:
Hi Folks,
We're feeling ready for a blizzard over here with enough food to feed us and the neighbours for at least a month. We're rich in food! Our freezer is full, our pantry is full, our fridge is full and we've got about 11 squash sitting around keeping us company. (They remind me of hens but they're quieter and don't lay eggs.) What a blessing to be so well-stocked!
I promised a few of you that I'd email heating instructions for the meat pies and lasagna from Anna at The Nutty Bakers. We've already snarfed our meat pies down. The pastry is lovely! Better than any I've had from the store. The pies are so good they inspire me to make my own roast beef and root vegetables pie! Anna said she's going to also offer the Tortiere in November.
Heating Instructions:
When fresh or thawed - 20 min at 350. Frozen - 40 min at 325 (lower temp so pastry doesn't burn). Thawing first is best.
I also promised a few of you to send you info on Jerusalem Artichokes and how to cook with them. I did not realize that Miriam meant JERUSALEM artichokes when she said she had artichokes for sale. Sorry about that surprise : ) Let's think of it as an opportunity to try something new, shall we? I've added mine to the cabbage borscht simmering on the stove right now. Check out this link for a description of the knobby root and how you can use it anywhere you'd use potatoes or parsnips. We also enjoy it raw - thinly sliced. It has an impressive crunch.
I hope you are enjoying cooking with squash and root crops. I am! I made a most delicious butternut squash soup from the Simply in Season cookbook. It is so easy! Just boil squash (unpeeled) and root veggies and then blend with sauteed onions. The celeriac I added to the mix was a nice flavour. The maple syrup is what pushes it over edge delicious. I loved seeing my two year old shovelling it in and asking for "More quash soup, pease." Warms my cook's heart...
Are your apples running low and can't wait until Nov 23 for more? Pete the organic apple farmer says that he can deliver apples to your door if you buy 3 half bushels or more. He'll charge you the same price you get them from Bailey's ($25 for #1 apples). He has Golden Delicious, Spys, Cortland, and Macs available. A few of you could place an order together from him. He asks that you phone him to arrange an order (519-638-9996).
Did you get a copy of our winter schedule? We handed them out on Friday. If you'd like one (they are quite pretty) you can download it from
Thank you for supporting local farmers and local food system change,
Bailey's Local Foods
Is this your first email from us?
You are receiving Nina's messages because you are a member of Bailey's Local Food Buying Club.
If you do not wish to receive Nina's messages in the future, please uncheck the Nina's messages box associated with your email address in Account Settings at
A few more notes:
A few emails ago Nina mentioned the article "Eat this Recession" in Alternatives Journal. If you would like to read it go to
Some more tips:
I roasted the first of my chestnuts this morning. They are sweeter and easier to peel than any I've had before. I tried eating chestnuts raw for the first time too. Wow!
Sweet Chestnuts
How to prepare and eat them:
- Eat fresh using a paring knife to cut off the skin and fibrous covering
- Boil - Please sweet chestnuts into a pot with cool tap water. Cover pot while boiling ans stir occasionally on medium high for:
- medium size - 10-12 min
- large size 15-20 min
Using a slotted spoon scoop out a few nuts at a time and as soon as they are cool enough to handle, but still hot, cut them in half and pop them out of their skins. - Roast - First pierce the skin to allow hot air to escape while cooking. Use a sharp paring knife to cut a slash or an "X" throught the skin, but not the nut meat. The larger the cut the easier it will be to peel.
Chestnut Pan - Roast them by shaking the pan over medium heat for 20 minutes.
Microwave oven - place a dozen chestnuts around a microwave plate and cook on high for 4 minutes
Oven - Place chestnuts on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with water. Bake at 400 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. Place one uncut chestnut on the sheet with the others. When it "pops" they are ready to eat.
Oven - Place chestnuts on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with water. Bake at 400 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. Place one uncut chestnut on the sheet with the others. When it "pops" they are ready to eat.
How to crack a Heartnut: See
Customer Survey
Take care,Customer Survey
What makes local food convenient enough to be 50% of a household's food intake? Please take 5 minutes to help answer 8 short questions. We're particularly interested in hearing from people who have ordered only a few times or have yet to order.
This survey will be collated by a third party (University of Waterloo researchers) and the online host (SurveyMonkeyTM) does not track the origins of those accessing the survey. All responses will be anonymous and confidential. Should you have any questions regarding this survey please feel free to contact Steffanie Scott at or Court Ellingson at
This surveywill be accessible until Friday October 30, 2009. Please take a moment to read the following note from the researchers. The link to the survey can be found following this note. This survey will be collated by a third party (University of Waterloo researchers) and the online host (SurveyMonkeyTM) does not track the origins of those accessing the survey. All responses will be anonymous and confidential. Should you have any questions regarding this survey please feel free to contact Steffanie Scott at or Court Ellingson at
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Courtenay Ellingson, under the supervision of Dr. Steffanie Scott, Department of Geography of the University of Waterloo, Canada. The objectives of the research study are to determine local food distribution systems impact on improving access to local and other healthy food and sustaining rural livelihoods. The study is for a Masterâââ‰â¢s thesis.
If you decide to volunteer, you will be asked to complete a 5 minute online surveythat is completed anonymously. Survey questions focus on your access to local and other healthy food. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may decline to answer any questions that you do not wish to answer and you can withdraw your participation at any time by not submitting your responses. There are no known or anticipated risks from participating in this study.
It is important for you to know that any information that you provide will be confidential and anonymous. All of the data will be summarized and no individual could be identified from these summarized results. Furthermore, the web site is programmed to collect responses alone and will not collect any information that could potentially identify you (such as machine identifiers).
This surveyuses SurveyMonkeyTMwhose computer servers are located in the USA. Consequently, USA authorities under provisions of the Patriot Act may access this survey data. If you prefer not to submit your data through Survey MonkeyTM, please contact one of the researchers so you can participate using an alternative method (such as through an email or paper-based questionnaire). The alternate method may decrease anonymity but confidentiality will be maintained.
The data, with no personal identifiers, collected from this study will be maintained on a password-protected computer database in a restricted access area of the university. As well, the data will be electronically archived after completion of the study and maintained for two years and then erased. Note you are receiving this invitation directly from your organization and, in accordance with privacy legislation, I as the researcher, have not been provided with your name or contact details.
Should you have any questions about the study, please contact either Courtenay Ellingson at or Dr. Steffanie Scott at
Further, if you would like to receive a copy of the results of this study, please contact either investigator.
I would like to assure you that this study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. However, the final decision about participation is yours. If you have any comments or concerns resulting from your participation in this study, please feel free to contact Dr. Susan Sykes, Director, Office of Research Ethics, at 1-519-888-4567 ext. 36005 or by email at .
Thank you for considering participation in this study.
If you wish to participate, please visit the Study Website at