Order at www.baileyslocalfoods.ca/ordering
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Fill your shopping cart by Wednesday October 29th at 8pm to pick up your order Monday, November 3rd between 3:30 and 7pm at First United Church Our next pick up will be on Monday November 17th - Order enough for 2 weeks! | | | Chestnuts from Warner's Farm and last chance for grapes! Chestnuts are one of my favourite local foods. Ontario chestnuts are smaller and sweeter than their Italian counterparts. They keep in the fridge (temperatures near 0°C are best) for quite a while and are great roasted over an open fire or in the oven when the weather is cool! This year was not a good year for our local nut farmers, so we don't have many other tree nuts, available. Peanuts will be ready very soon! Juice and Cider We have wonderful fresh organic apple cider from Apple Creek Farm in 1.3 L bags available. This juice is super tasty and great to freeze for a treat later in the winter! From Warner's Farm we have Apple Pear Cider as well as Tart Montmorency cherry juice, Concord grape juice and crape cranberry juice. You'll find these in our 'beverages' section, under 'pantry' Flours and grains This is a great week to get all the flours and grains you need from Oak Manor or 1847. The weather is perfect for baking bread and eating oatmeal! | | | Look for:- Bartlett, Bosc and D'Anjou Pears from Warner's. My family ate 4 litres in 2 days!
- New! Large Corn Tortillas from Taco Farm
- Hewitt and Harmony dairy items are back on our order form! From goat ice cream, sour cream and yogurt to organic milk and cream! Yum!
- Make your own pizza with Golden Hearth frozen Pizza Dough, Local Dairy Mozzarella Balls, Ontario Natural Tomatoes in Cans and all the other veggies you love (like mushrooms!)
- Bauman Apiaries baking is back! They have crackers, cookies, energy bars and more.
- Stock up on squash! Varieties available will decrease as the season continues. Store yours for use all winter!
- Torta and Black Sheep are back from Monforte.
- Organic Dried Beans from Lena Horst are available in limited supply
- Organic Frozen Fruit (Gooseberries, Black Currants and Raspberries) from Brenda Knechtel
- Celeriac from Sam Bowman may be ugly, but it's great in soups and even better sliced very thin and fried like potato chips!
- Have you tried Hardy Kiwi From Warner's? They are my favourite fall fruit! - Blog Post here
Stock up on:- Maple Syrup to drizzle on yogurt or pancakes
- Popping corn for curling up with a book or watching a movie
- Chocolate for that pick me up... ANYTIME!
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| Garden Party CSA at Bailey's! Join Garden Party's CSA for fall (Nov-Dec) and pick-up your 'share' at Bailey's Local Foods! Garden Party's CSA runs year round, and includes all organic vegetables, fruits, preserves and some prepared items. See the details here. Register this week – spots are limited. All Garden Party CSA members receive a complimentary Bailey's membership - so starting November 3 you can pick up a CSA share along with all your other Bailey's shopping. | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church - Monday, Nov. 3rd
- Monday Nov. 17th
- Monday Dec.1st
- Monday Dec. 15th
- Monday Dec. 22nd
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