We have added some Last minute new items.
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | Items in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf order by Tuesday July 22nd at 8pm We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Waterloo Pick Up - Friday, July 25th Kitchener Pick Up -Tuesday, July 22nd (order by Monday at noon) | | | Wow, It is so nice out this week compared to last week. I hope everyone has a minute or so to place an order. | | Last Minute Aditions:- Organic Rasberries from Lena Horst
- Cabbage from Cedar Spring Farm
- Zucchini from Brenda Knechtel
Other Highlights:- Unsprayed Blueberries from Walker's Blueberries
- Dried Beans from Rounds Brand, Stock up until September!
- Pak Choi from Stevanus Farm
- Swiss Chard, Beets and Broccoli from Bowman's Organic Produce
- Raspberries fresh or frozen
- Purple Cauliflower, Romanesco and New Potatoes from Pfennings
- Early Golden Plums, Rhubarb and other fruit from Warners Fruit Farm
- Lena Horst has her Organic Apple Sauce on SALE to clear. Save even more when you buy a case.
- Bowman's Organic Produce has Kohlrabi (Check out the blog post (link below)
- Mixed Cherry Tomatoes our first field tomatoes ready
- Don't forget graded Farm Fresh Eggs we have a great selection to choose from, Including Duck Eggs.
| | | A note about our fruit from Niagara All our Niagara fruit is Tree Run, which means that the fruit is not sent to the grading station. The fruit is picked riper (and tastier) and avoids fungicidal baths and defuzzing in the case of peaches. You will find smaller and larger fruit together in your box. Enjoy the ripest fruit first! | | |
| Stop in to our mid week market in downtown Kitchener every Tuesday! Ordering is open Friday to Monday so you can pre-order Bulk Fruit at baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering | | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church- Friday, July 25
- Friday, August 8
- Friday, August 15
- Friday, August 22
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