Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf TUESDAY May 27th at 8pm for pickup on FRIDAY May 30th at First United Church, Waterloo *Order enough for 2 weeks!*
There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
Here are our Upcoming dates:
Friday, June 13
Friday, June 20 (only if strawberries are ready)
**Thursday, June 26 (Thursday)
Friday, July 4
A message from Rachael:
Simple salad.
Earlier this week we had a meal of sausages, leftover potato salad and cucumber salad. I think everyone enjoyed the cucumber salad most. The cukes from Roseland Produce were halved and sliced, then mixed with cottage cheese from Organic Meadow and then salted and lightly peppered. So simple and so fresh and good. What is inspiring you as the weather warms up? We won't talk about the forecast for this weekend.
Soup from Stratford
Soup Surreal is our newest supplier. You might have tried Derek's soup at the slow food market in Stratford or at Stemmler's. He is offering three soups for the May 30th pickup: Moroccan Tomato, Maple Roasted Sweet Potato and Lemon Grilled Asparagus. What is not to like?
Here is Derek Denny's introduction:
"I am delighted to introduce Soup Surreal products to your home. With emphasis on quality and local ingredients, Soup Surreal Products are made with passion and skill. For the past 12 years I have trained in many kitchens locally and internationally. As the head Chef and owner of Soup Surreal sharing my love for flavours and quality ingredients comes with great pride. Most Soup Surreal products are Gluten Free*, and absolutely no MSG or Preservatives are added.
It is my commitment to you and your family to provide a quality and comforting soup to fill your bowl.
*Soup Surreal products are NOT produced in a Gluten Free Kitchen, although the recipes are Gluten Free there may be traces of wheat or barley."
So much more:
- Apple Creek Farms has lots of frozen sauce and cider made from their excellent organic apples. There is still lots of canned sauce, apple butter and honey.
- We've got asparagus and Rhubarb from Barrie's Asparagus on the order form! Let's hope that the supply will be plentiful by May 30th so that there is enough for us!
- Tofu from Ontario Natural is changing to one pound packages! The price has changed accordingly but it's still a great deal and super tasty!
- Sheep milk is available in 1 and 4 L jugs from Harrington Lane Farms now. It's pasteurized, but not homogonized so the cream will rise to the top!
First Fruits Feast
We are excited working with Chef Jon Rennie to connect farm to table next Saturday. You should come.
Come celebrate the taste of new growth after a long, harsh winter. This four course dinner is to raise awareness about suicide prevention, with powerful symbolism that speaks to the fruits there are to enjoy when we hold on through the winters of our lives to finally greet the dawn of a new season.
In addition to a four course meal, there will be speakers and music. If you are able to volunteer, contact the organizers through facebook!
First Fruits is a pay-what-you-can event, designed to be accessible for all. Costs are covered at $12.50 per plate. We recommend that those who are able to, bring their chequebooks and make this thing a roaring success. Seating is limited to 150 people. Will you be one of them?
May 24, 2014 - 5:30 to 8pm. Doors open at 5 p.m.
St Johnâs Lutheran Church/ Elevation in the gym. (22 Willow St, Waterloo)
More at: and
12th Annual Seedling sale at Little City Farm! SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2014 9 am to noon
Hundreds of organic & heirloom seedlings ready to plant in your garden! Peppers, eggplant, kale, swiss chard, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, culinary herbs (e.g. basil, thyme, lavender, sage, dill) and some flowers and perennials all hardened off and ready for planting.
We specialize in heirloom tomatoes: at least 40 different varieties will be available, including a range of colours, shapes & sizes.
~ organic breads & baked goods table
~ freshly made natural sodas
~ wood-fired baking demonstrations in our cob oven
~ tours of Little City Farm
~ urban homesteading discussions
Payment by cash only - and please bring your own trays or containers to cart your seedlings home in!
Enjoy the long weekend!
Maryrose and Rachael
Bailey's Local Foods
KW's Online Farmers Market

P.S. We can use your egg cartons, fruit boxes, baskets and jars from preserves again if you return them.
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