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Items that you have placed in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf on Wednesday at 8:00pm. There is no checkout button. If you do not intend to order, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty.
***** Be sure to order enough for 4 weeks! *****
Our last pickup in 2011 is December 19th.
in 2012 our pickups will be every three weeks or so on Mondays: January 16th, February 13th, March 5th, April 2nd, April 23rd and May 14th.
Hello Everyone,
As Rachael mentioned in our last email, this will be our last pick up of 2011. This means it will be our longest break between pick up days. Make sure you order enough staples for the next 4 weeks. Our first pick up day of the new year will be on January 16th, 2012.
Be sure to stock up on:
- Yogurt and cheese, and Creme Fraiche too!
- Meat and prepared foods (Have you tried the Quinoa Tabouleh from Green Table Foods?)
- Tortilla chips, Popcorn and peanuts - Keep healthy snacks handy!
- Bread (you can freeze your favourites)
- Chocolate, Apple cider,
- Butter, Oils and vinegars
One of my favourite things to share with friends and family is a Cheese Tray. We have so many wonderful cheeses to offer. I had no idea there were so many local cheeses available. Have you tried Monforte's Fresh Goat Cheeses drizzled with Bauman Apiaries' Honey. So Yummy. Other yummy options include:
- Primeridge Pure curds Feta and Fresian Fallscream cheese style cheese - great to spread on a bagel!
- Millbank's conventional and organic cheeses and curds - Try a combo of Colby and Monterey Jack for melting on Nachos! .
- Mornington Goat curds and cheese and Shepherd Gourmet Feta
- Local Dairy's amazing selection including Halloumi (for frying or BBQing) and Queso Fresco! Don;t Forget Asli Makhni - Cultured Butter!
- Check out the Athena cheese from Monforte - Toscano aged and rubbed weekly with olive oil... Wow!
Have you checked everyone off of you gift giving list yet? I know I haven't. I always manage to need a last minute gift for a hostess or someone unexpected. Here are a few ideas.
- The Cider Keg bottled Ciders. The New Peach Flavour is wonderful - you can almost taste the fuzz. A perfect non-alcoholic treat with no added sugar!
- White Chocolate covered popcorn, peanut clusters or peanut brittle - from Kernals Peanuts
- Chocolate truffles, hot chocolate or snowmen, Santa and Nutcrackers - Anna Tolozzi
- Jams, preserves and salsas - From These Roots, Country Flavour and Barrie Bros
- Don't forget a bag of tortilla chips or a box of crackers to compliment the preserves or salsa!
- We also have gift baskets already made for you. You can find then in the 'other' section under Gifts. There are three different sizes to choose from. We still have the Give the Gift of Bailey's available. It comes with a one year membership to Bailey's Local Foods and a jar or our pear apple sauce.
Studio 28
Marly Penner and Angie Karst teach workshops and create fused glass and mixed metal jewelry in their uptown Waterloo studio. Using an innovative new material called metal clay, they form and texture silver, copper, and bronze to create original and one-of-a-kind wearable pieces of art. Please drop by to see their creations and pick up a workshop brochure. You can also check out their website at
BRFC designs and prints things that are both functional and charming. With items such trivets, coasters, tea towels and more, they're trying to inject a little more design into your life. You can also check out their Etsy shop at
Esther Devries-Lasby is a local potter who has been making functional pottery for over 10 years, and she is happy to bring her pots to the December pick ups again this year. Although she is best known for her clay milk pitchers, Esther produces mugs, coasters, casseroles, bowls, plates and platters. You will find her pots to contain numerous textural designs as well as a variety of glazes. A new piece for Esther this fall is a collaboration with her father... look for birch candle sticks on a black clay pedestal.
Maryrose has been making gifts for many years and now has decided to spread her wings and sell these great items. She specializes in fibres - both knit and sewn. You can find many reusable items, snack bags, produce bags, kerchiefs and knitted hats.
Let's Felt!
Manuela is a local felting artist rather out of passion than out of training. Some years ago on a trip back home to Germany, she saw apples made out of felt that fascinated her. With her first wool roving and the tools to start her own felting, she never stopped. She uses three different techniques and combinations of them: wet felting, needle felting and sewing with recycled or shrunk wool sweaters. At the sales table she will offer seasonal presents like ornaments and cards. Also, there will be felted beads, fruit for decoration or as toys, shopping bags as well as small bags for cell phones or BlackBerry devices. She also takes orders, in case you would like something custom made like mittens in your size. Manuela offers workshops in all three techniques at The Art House Studio in Kitchener. Email: ullrichkrettenauer@worldline.

And now a few extras:
Guelph Organic Conference
Did you know that the 31st Annual Guelph Organic Conference is Jan. 26-29, 2012? There are 4 days of paid workshops you can register for and on Saturday and Sunday there is also a FREE Expo. More info at
Rooftop gardening - Oh my!
This is an amazing idea! Gardening and raising fish in a former factory in the heart of Berlin. Read more at,1518,800376,00.html
Slow down and enjoy the season!
Maryrose and Rachael
Bailey's Local Foods
Click to log-in and order.
P.S. We can use your fruit boxes, baskets and jars from preserves again if you return them.
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