Order at www.baileyslocalfoods.ca/ordering!
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Fill your shopping cart by Wednesday May 6th to pick up your order Monday, May 11th between 3:30 and 7pm at First United Church Our next pick up will be on Monday May 25th so order enough for 2 weeks! | | | Now that it's here, spring is in full force! Weeks like this bring many messages from our farmers telling us about what is new. Rhubarb has grown inches over night, the garlic and onions are sprouting (in the ground and in storage) and there is LOTS of spinach! Yum! We even hope to have seasonal dandelion ice cream from Mapleton's on Monday! Be sure to stock up on dried beans from Rounds as we won't order again for a couple months. Make sure you have enough tofu, tempeh, weiners and sausages as well as marshmallows from Ambrosia Pastry Co. for cookouts over the long weekend and snacks too like Tortilla Chips and awesome dips from Taco Farm! Oh, and I'm hopeful that we will have asparagus from Barrie's Asparagus on Monday. It's really early and Tim Barrie says it will depend on the weather if we get it. Be well, Rachael | | | We have: - Organic Tulips from Garden Party are beautiful AND edible! Theresa also has Rhubarb, Grab Bags, Ferments and more!
- Green Garlic, Green Onions, Ramps, Rhubarb, and Salad Greens from Brenda Knechtel
- Dutch Onions and Parsnips from Eva Weber
- *Asparagus from Barrie's Asparagus might be available (*Weather permitting)
- Monforte has Torta, Black Sheep and Pepata (Semi soft with peppercorns and olive oil) back this week.
- Peppercorn and Cheddar Cheese Sausage from Top Market
- WILD Boar From Harrington Lane Farm
- SALE on Warner's Canned Peaches. $2 off per jar.
- If you haven't had a chance to get any Spinach you can this pick up. we have lots available from Kingwood farm in both 1 lb and 1/2 lb bags
- Green Beans from Floralane
- Victoria Day foods - Plan your BBQ or trip to the cottage!
- Rounds Beans - stock up on our favourite beans and legumes! We only order every few months, so be sure to have enough turtle beans red lentils and red mexican beans for your favourite soup, stew or salad!
Planning your Garden? Brenda Knechtel has added hardy seedlings to the offering list. They are listed in the plant section. - Cabbage
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Lettuce
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| Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church - Monday, May 25
- Friday June 12
- Friday June 26
- Friday July 10
- Friday July 17
- Friday July 24
- Friday August 7
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