Order at www.baileyslocalfoods.ca/ordering
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Fill your shopping cart by Wednesday December 10th to pick up your order Monday, December 15th between 3:30 and 7pm at First United Church Our next pick up will be on Monday December 22nd! | | | Spotlight on our artisans! December 1st Market Ordering is open for the December 15th pickup. With holiday parties and family functions we want to make sure that you will have all the local foods you want to serve for the holidays. I know how easy a cheese tray is and that almost anyone apprciates chocolate or jam as a hostess gift! | | | Loopeeeee – Fibre Arts Maryrose has been making gifts for many years and has decided to spread her wings and sell these great items. She specializes in fibres - both knit and sewn. You can find many reusable items, snack bags, produce bags, Reversible baby bonnets and knitting.hats. | | | A great meditation cushion made for getting present . Hand made of hemp and cotton fabric with buckwheat hulls inside. Sit comfortably on a round cushion on top of a larger cushion. Also available separately. | | | Twisted Wristers Handmade jewelry made of sparkly, bright and beautiful colorful beads. Amanda makes Earrings and Wire Wrap Bracelets in a wide array of colours and styles. They are perfect for a night on the town or for an afternoon out. She loves making Bookmarks and Necklaces\ in beautiful colors and materials. | | | Homestead Herbals Homestead Herbals is a small local eco-conscious business based at Little City Farm. We provide simple, natural handmade soaps and botanicals using locally grown, organic and wild-harvested herbs. We offer unique body soaps, shaving bars, shampoo bars, plus herbal healing salves, massage oils, bath herbs and more. We will also have a selection of botanical journals and handmade notebooks available. www.littlecityfarm.ca www.homesteadherbal.etsy.com | | | Pyjama drive for Walk With Me In December we are supporting a local campaign collecting new pyjamas for survivors of human trafficking. Meghan has decided to collect new pyjamas for the Walk With Me organization. From Meghan: "... these [pyjamas] could be something that's for [survivors], something that sets them off in the right direction of a better life. ...[T]here are so many sets of pj's being sold this time of year and it would be so easy for people ... to just pick up a pair." If you have a new pair of pyjamas to give, please bring them to our next couple of Bailey's pickups and we will make sure they get to the Walk With Me organization. Please note that this is not an official campaign of the Walk With me foundation, but the pyjamas will support the work they already do. Take care and thank you for helping us help others, Rachael | | |
| Welcome Home Refugee Housing We will continue to donate to Welcome Home though their new partner Ray of Hope will be adopting Welcome Home as one of their programs. They have comitted to supporting the program until March 2016 | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church - Monday Dec. 15th
- Monday Dec. 22nd
- Monday, January 12
- Monday, February 2
- Monday, February 23
- Monday, March 9
- Monday, March 30
- Monday, April 20
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