Order at www.baileyslocalfoods.ca/ordering
 | | KW's year-round online farmers market |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | We do not have a check out button, please ensure that your shopping cart is empty if you do not intend to order. Order Here Kitchener Pick Up - Tuesday September 12th Items in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf SUNDAY September 7th at 11pm Waterloo Pick Up - Friday, September 12th Items in your shopping cart will be ordered on your behalf Tuesday September 12th at 8pm | | | Thank you for nominating us in the Favourite Specialty Food Store category! Enjoy this lovely day! Rachael | | | Niagara Fruit at Entertaining Elements on Tuesday You have until 11pm on Sunday to order Grab Bags from Garden Party (Misfit Vegetables, Mixed Vegetables, Juicer Mix, or a Veggie stock kit) in the vegetables section and Niagara Fruit from Warner's Farm in the fruit section. Your fruit choices for pickup at Entertaining Elements in Kitchener are: - Red Currants, Raspberries
- Grapes:
- Canadice - A virtually seedless red grape with a spicy flavour.and no tough skins..
- Himrod - A seedless white table grape with golden yellow/light green fruit.
- Sovereign Coronation - A virtually seedless blue table grape. It is juicy, very sweet, blue grape. Excellent for fresh eating, preserving or juice. We have both IPM and Transitional Organic avaialable!
- Peaches:
- Glowingstar - This peach is from the Stellar line of peaches. It is non browning and has a deep red skin over a bright yellow melting flesh. The flesh has a lovely red colour around the pit. It has sweet flavour and is completely freestone.
- Cresthaven - A sweet, juicy, medium to large freestone peach that is almost fuzzless. Its bright red skin touched with gold is striking. A nonbrowning, late-season variety, it is favoured for canning and freezing.
- White Knight - Canada's first original white-fleshed peach has a firm flesh and athe aroma like raspberries!
- Pears
- Bartlett - Light-green to completely yellow in colour. These are the juiciest pears for fresh eating. You can cook them to make pear sauce or pear butter.
- French Bartlett - An old cultivar (AKA Guyot). Resembles Bartlett in shape and colour, but tends to be larger and rougher.
- Plums
- Victory (Blue) - A slightly tart plum that sweetens as it ripens. It is less firm than the Violet plum, a large round blue plum, almost freestone, purplish in colour.
- Violet (Blue) - A slightly tart plum that sweetens as it ripens. They are firmer, dark blue like Stanley plums, large almost freestone with a greenish flesh.
- Damson (Blue) - Aura's favourite! A small clingstone plum with an astringent taste that makes great jam, liqueur and plum cake) and Vibrant (A semi-freestone plum with amber coloured flesh and violet-blue skin)
- Italian (Prune) - Super tasty and great for drying, canning, baking and eating
- Vanier (Red) - Red Freestone Plum; Stays firmer longer
| | | We're back to weekly pickups! Remember that all your breads from Grainharvest and Golden Hearth need to be ordered before Tuesday at 8pm! Here are some other highlights this week!- Oak Manor organic flours and grains are available. Stock up for a month or so!
- Spud's finest potato chips. I always forget to order these tasty snacks! (thank goodness for the spontaneous table!)
- Torpedo onions are great for grilling. Elvina now has them in bunches of 3 as well as individually! She also has lots of frozen organic strawberries! She also has buttercrunch lettuce, leeks and ground cherries
- Lena Burkhart's Shepherd Peppers are ready!
- Lena Horst has added bulk beets and yellow potatoes!
- Brenda Knechtel has radishes and ground cherries
- Look for new crop apples from Apple Creek Organic and Martin's Family Fruit Farm
- Harrington Lane Farms has lots of smoked pork available as well as whole Saxony Ducks
- Top Market Meats has whole ducks as well as duck lard available!
| | | A note about our fruit from Niagara All our Niagara fruit is Tree Run, which means that the fruit is not sent to the grading station. The fruit is picked riper (and tastier) and avoids wax coatings, fungicidal baths and defuzzing in the case of peaches. You will find smaller and larger fruit together in your box. Enjoy the ripest fruit first and for the rest, spread your peaches out on newspaper on their side or bottom (not stem down) and not touching each other and they'll ripen over the next few days. Keep peaches and apricots out of the fridge until they are ripe as they can get a mealy texture when chilled. | | |
| Stop in to our Tuesday market in downtown Kitchener! Ordering is open Friday to Monday so you can pre-order Bulk Fruit at baileyslocafoods.ca/ordering | | | | Upcoming pickup dates at First United Church- Friday, Sept. 12th
- Friday, Sept. 19th
- Friday, Sept. 26th
- Friday, October 3rd
- Friday, October 10th
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